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An ass is similar to an asshole, but is less vigorous and flamboyant. An ass is a persistent fool, a dullard perhaps.


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An asshole is a person with a delusional worldview who is incapable of observing social boundaries. Assholes are rude, uncaring, and ridiculous. The asshole may flout the rules consciously or unconsciously. The asshole exhibits a diminished or deficient superego.

He may be a less accomplished sociopath and may also verge on psychotic, in which case he may be termed a flaming asshole.

Unfortunately, the sort so referred to slanders one of our most useful and hopefully reliable organs, an organ that is a source of relief, even joy.


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Bitch, bastard, son of a bitch:

Bitch is an umbrella term for a person of ill will manifest through feminine forms. Bastard is a catchall term for a person of ill will manifest through masculine forms.

In urban usage, bitch can be a casual reference to any female not ones own mother; it is also synonymous with a beta male or anyone suspected of or exhibiting submissive behavior. Bitch may also be used as a term of admiration, especially in regard to rate of difficulty or tricky forms of power. Son of a bitch may be freely substituted for bastard.


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Bitch, bastard, son of a bitch:

Bitch is an umbrella term for a person of ill will manifest through feminine forms. Bastard is a catchall term for a person of ill will manifest through masculine forms.

In urban usage, bitch can be a casual reference to any female not ones own mother; it is also synonymous with a beta male or anyone suspected of or exhibiting submissive behavior. Bitch may also be used as a term of admiration, especially in regard to rate of difficulty or tricky forms of power. Son of a bitch may be freely substituted for bastard.


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A bozo is a clone or a fool but with a connotation of active energy or even aggression. He is outlandish, out of touch, and probably ineffectual though highly visible.


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Cocksucker is a term that has become disconnected from its literal meaning. No doubt its origin is homophobic, but whereas the act of sucking a cock seems subservient and submissive and is likely to be tender, cocksucker has come to mean an arrogant, malignant, nasty, and aggressive man.

Cockbiter would be truer to literal sense, but that's unlikely to catch on.


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A cunt is a mean-spirited, hairsplitting, vindictive person who enjoys the suffering of others – particularly if he is the cause of that suffering.

The cunt is also unsympathetic and tends toward cruelty and schadenfreude. Cunts are black-belt wet blankets often drawn to positions of authority or even law enforcement, although they usually lack courage.

A hall monitor is likely to be a cunt; a SWAT team member is not.


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Dick; dickhead; shit:

A dick is a careless egotist who abuses others in demonstration of his high and misplaced self-regard. This egocentric is always mean-spirited, self-aggrandizing, and aggressive.

A dickhead is similarly uncaring and overconfident but generally with less intelligence and skill. The dickhead's misdeeds are less accomplished than those of the dick. Dick Cheney is a dick; George Bush is a dickhead. A shit is also a person inclined to take pleasure in the misfortune of others, although perhaps less out of self-regard than misanthropy.

The shit may be more passively malignant than a dick, unless he is a total shit. It is possible, however, to be both a dick and a shit. Both Bush and Cheney are shits.


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Dickbrain: someone whose behavior is not ruled by the frontal lobe but by the lower centers of the brain.


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Dick; dickhead; shit:

A dick is a careless egotist who abuses others in demonstration of his high and misplaced self-regard. This egocentric is always mean-spirited, self-aggrandizing, and aggressive.

A dickhead is similarly uncaring and overconfident but generally with less intelligence and skill. The dickhead's misdeeds are less accomplished than those of the dick. Dick Cheney is a dick; George Bush is a dickhead. A shit is also a person inclined to take pleasure in the misfortune of others, although perhaps less out of self-regard than misanthropy.

The shit may be more passively malignant than a dick, unless he is a total shit. It is possible, however, to be both a dick and a shit. Both Bush and Cheney are shits.


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A fuckhead is a person of poor judgement but considerable enthusiasm. A fuckhead is generally stupid and persistent in his stupidity.

A fuck is a person who enjoys unpleasant encounters – "fucking with you" and presenting gratuitous difficulty.

Dipshit: a nerdy fuckhead.

Douche Bag

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A douche bag is a loser who may yet exhibit a certain vanity and overconfidence. A douche bag is, in short, a narcissist without reason. His lack of talent makes him only an accessory to a cunt.


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A fuckhead is a person of poor judgement but considerable enthusiasm. A fuckhead is generally stupid and persistent in his stupidity.

A fuck is a person who enjoys unpleasant encounters – "fucking with you" and presenting gratuitous difficulty.

Dipshit: a nerdy fuckhead.


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Motherfucker is a very powerful word with a broad spectrum of meanings.

In the negative and most literal sense, a motherfucker is a person who flouts taboos, without conscience or principles.

But more often motherfucker indicates seriousness, gravity (or gravitas), and power, as in "a real motherfucker."

A motherfucker may be the worst or the best, depending on the situation, but in very case, except as a term of casual affection, it connotes transcendence of the norm.


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Pussy is, of course, a highly desirable commodity in the ordinary couse of things, but when applied to a man, it means that he is a coward, sissy or weakling.

An empowered pussy is a cunt. Wuss may be a euphemism for pussy, or like wimp it may indicate a less spectacular brand of cowardice.


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Dick; dickhead; shit:

A dick is a careless egotist who abuses others in demonstration of his high and misplaced self-regard. This egocentric is always mean-spirited, self-aggrandizing, and aggressive.

A dickhead is similarly uncaring and overconfident but generally with less intelligence and skill. The dickhead's misdeeds are less accomplished than those of the dick. Dick Cheney is a dick; George Bush is a dickhead. A shit is also a person inclined to take pleasure in the misfortune of others, although perhaps less out of self-regard than misanthropy.

The shit may be more passively malignant than a dick, unless he is a total shit. It is possible, however, to be both a dick and a shit. Both Bush and Cheney are shits.


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Shithead; shit for brains: an idiot or moron. Someone lacking cognitive and reasoning powers - unlike a shit, who is not without resources.

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Son of a Bitch

Bitch, bastard, son of a bitch:

Bitch is an umbrella term for a person of ill will manifest through feminine forms. Bastard is a catchall term for a person of ill will manifest through masculine forms.

In urban usage, bitch can be a casual reference to any female not ones own mother; it is also synonymous with a beta male or anyone suspected of or exhibiting submissive behavior. Bitch may also be used as a term of admiration, especially in regard to rate of difficulty or tricky forms of power. Son of a bitch may be freely substituted for bastard.


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Tool is similar to fool, but it implies that the persons inane or stupid actions may be in service of something or someone beyond his ken. He may believe that he is getting over on others, while in reality others have gotten over him. Thus, the Republican Party counts many tools as members. A tool has more delusions of self-possession than a simple fool and he may fancy himself a stud and a hustler.


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Wanker; jackoff; jerk:

All these terms refer to a person involved in actions that are masturbatory in their ineffectuality or fruitlessness. They refer to persons engaged in noticeably unproductive, unintelligent, and generally repetitive behavior. A wanker is always ineffectual, although he may be unaware of his lack of effect, and quite affected.